
A small poetry about a broken childhood.

Damn right, I’m angry.

I’ve spent my life recovering from things that I should have been protected from.

I was too young to become a ghost full of grief. Children are supposed to be happy and free.

Don’t tell me that I wouldn’t be who I am today without the struggles I’ve faced.

I already know that. I could have been a little girl instead of being forced to grow up.

The people who were supposed to protect me, failed me. No amount of healing will change that fact.

Damn right, I’m angry. I want my childhood back.

People like me didn’t get to be happy and free, we were sad, alone, and unprotected. We didn’t get the chance to be a child, having dreams.

Everything was taken away and we’ll never get that back, never. So yeah, I’m angry. Are you?

Eine Antwort auf „“

  1. Interesting story. Its a text people dont write commonly, so thats great and people might relate.
    +Dont worry, you will have so many opportunities once you are older to live life in peace.

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